Marathon & race training
This is a 5 step 6-month customized marathon or half marathon (4 months) training plan, based on your current fitness level and specific race goals. These plans are comprised of a full progressive running schedule and strength training workouts to aid in running efficiency and safety. 3 month plans are available upon request, and only for experienced runners. View the video below to get a taste of what to expect!
Assessments & Personal Training
Initial assessment to evaluate your current fitness level & running/race goals.
Running Schedule & Tailored Strength Workouts
Progressive running schedule and strength training workouts. Runs will be a combination of moderate paced long distance, interval training, recovery runs. The strength training workouts utilize running mechanics and help perfect anitomical alignment.
Guided Workouts
Your plan will include 4-6 guided workouts a week (YES, rest days ARE NECCESARY). Each workout includes reps, sets and video demonstration for each movement.
Customized Program
Your program will be customized based off of your current fitness level, prior history of injury, and equipment and space available,
**Not available for level 1 plans (see pricing)
On-demand wokrout videos
Access to over 100 on-demand 45-minute workout videos. Most of these videos do not require any equipment, so are perfect if you’re stuck at home, or on vacation.
Anaerobic exercise increases maximal power and strength of the agonist muscles, which is associated with an increased rate of firing, synchronization of neural discharge and increase in recruitment (Haff & Triplett, 2021).
The combination of resistance training and HIIT (high-intensity-interval-training) runs will help improve running economy and V02max (Boullosa et al., 2020).
Power training exercises increase muscle power production, improve overall endurance and running economy (Karp et al., 2010).
The hips, knees and ankles work together throughout the entire running gait cycle, by flexing and extending, in order to absorb one's body weight at initial contact with the ground. Therefore, all running plans should include activation exercises of the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, iliopsoas, and gastrocnemius, to name a few.
Including additional strength specific running drills, such as hill running and longer interval runs can help reduce a marathon runners mile per minute pace.
Introducing higher volumes of endurance training and functional strength will properly acclimate the body for long distance running to mimic and acclimate the body for enduring a long distance Haff, G., & Triplett, N. T. (2021)
Fun quick facts…
What to expect…